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  • Writer's picturePaige Dolan

Where have I been? What have I been doing?

Hello kind readers of my little blog.

Inactivity on social media is something I flit in and out of but the last six months has seen it go to the extreme and I feel like I have to acknowledge it. So lets start with the good, I've currently got a full time job which I quite enjoy and I'm learning so much from being there. I've gone from the awful retail working hours to a nice Monday to Friday job, which means a few things, I now have the funds and availability to attend more events however my writing time has been severely reduced. I am still learning how to balance relaxation, hobbies and work so bare with me on that one.

My mental health has also not been too great these last few months so when I have had the time to write I have not really had it in me to write. I lost motivation almost immediately and if it wasn't my mental health it was something else. These few months have been hard but now I feel as though I am in a place start getting back on track. So again, bare with me.

The last six months or so I've had a slight problem with my ears that made me feel dizzy and brought on a few migraines. I'm on the mend now but thanks to this it has been hard to type up my articles for events like MCM and RTX last year. It has also sapped all motivation for me to finish longer bodies of work for this blog and it has just been absolutely draining. Now I have recovered I am working on articles again, similar articles to the first one I wrote for Share My Cosplay, and also some on newer topics that aren't directly cosplay related. Some of those articles will go straight to here and some of them will end up on SMC. I have also resumed work on the novel I started for my dissertation and I've got a few short stories that are almost ready to be released. So more creative content incoming.

I am also going to start actually blogging more, just general posts like this where I'll probably rant for a little while about either life or on a topic.

Thank you for your patience with me, and I will get more content on here soon!

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